Embracing Social Interaction and development by Gloria Orwoba
  • Posted by: gadmin
  • Category: Development
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Toxic Masculinity by Shantel Kisimba
  • Posted by: gadmin
  • Category: Development
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_A nation that ignores young generation ignores the future by Jeff Kaluyu
  • Posted by: gadmin
  • Category: Development
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Multiple methodologies: using community- based participatory research and decolonizing methodologies in Kenya
  • Posted by: gadmin
  • Category: Development

Publisher: International Journal of Qualitative StudiesAuthors: Brent C. Elder and Kenneth O. OdoyoAbstract: In this project, we examined the development of a sustainable inclusive education system in western Kenya by combining community-based participatory research (CBPR) and decolonizing methodologies. Through three cycles of qualitative interviews with stakeholders in inclusive education, participants explained what they saw as…

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